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Studio Ology's service is structured across three practice areas:

Develop a response to emerging cultural or technological spaces

Better understand the people you create for

Identify new opportunities to create value for people

Our work serves a variety of client types, including; corporations, startups, non-profits, and government organizations. We embrace the uniqueness of each collaboration, tailoring our approach to resonate with your specific needs and aspirations.

We just ask as partners, you trust in the approach, that you and we, create together. 



Our approach involves conducting rigorous research that builds foundational understandings and explores emerging spaces. Not content with trends, we aim to understand the real-world context in which trends show up in people’s lives.  Using mixed method research, service design techniques, and systems thinking, we map the complexity of problems within their environment to identify  and capture the subtle, the relational and the critical linkages.

We remain mindful of the impact the date we collect can have, the way we handle, talk about and use data sets the tone for how it will go on to be used.

What it could look like - User Research & Consumer Insight (discursive to behavioural data points for creating products and experiences). - Cultural Insights & Ethnography (deep + thick contextual insights about your audience with actionable opportunities). - Trend Analysis & Emergent beliefs and behaviours  (signals & shifts, for markets that move a little faster).

Who it’s designed for​​​ - You need to understand a new target customer, need to discover how people really think, plan, act, spend and live.  - The people you create for are experiencing / encountering these challenges and you need to understand why? - Things are changing fast. Your finger’s off the pulse and you need to reconnect with your customers.



Our approach is to partner with you to develop strategies that are systematic, human-problem-validated and sustainable. We make the future tangible by exploring the challenges people face, cultural shifts, and the emergence of new technologies. Through expert guidance, foresight and  narratives from around the world, we  tailor strategies that assist you in igniting new possibilities. While developing actionable paths that take you from the present, forward.

What it could look like - Market opportunity identification (rooted in the effort to discover human problems worth solving). - Future scenarios and the trends shaping our future (take an expansive view of future possibilities and then work backwards). - Emergent technology analysis (a deep dive into the possibilities with both a speculative and critical lense).

Who it’s designed for​​​ - You need to identify new opportunities for where you can have impact? - You need foresight of the future to understand what will be your opportunities for development and growth? - You have these great ideas but wish to prioritize them and move them forward?



Building on research and strategy learnings, our approach to invention integrates design, speculative experimentation and prototyping to reveal pathways to responsible progress. We facilitate innovation in a way that adapts to the context and people we collaborate with. Always beginning with real-world problems, we collaborate closely with individuals to understand their needs, motivations, and aspirations. Leveraging our expertise in technology, we invest time in comprehending the broader social and environmental contexts. The aim is to move beyond a product-centric mindset and delve into truly inventive spaces.

What it could look like - Product/service conception (centred in meaningful, responsible innovation). - Iterative Experimentation & Prototyping (assess and adapt to audience feedback and responses). - Stage-appropriate business modelling (delivery systems, monetization strategies and sources of competitive advantage).

Who it’s designed for​​​ - You're looking to create new products, services or re-imagine existing ones. - You have this new product / service idea and need to identify the right audience of people to prototype, test and learn with. - There's this new technology, what human problems could it help to solve - what implications could it have?

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How We Can Work Together


A full scope project that Studio Ology designs, leads, and implements. These projects can range in scale, scope, duration and can draw on expertise from many domains. As your partner, you can expect a systematic approach to understanding and a commitment to delivering truly inventive impact.


Is perfect for those times when you need a project leader with an external perspective or someone with specialized skill sets and experience to work alongside your team. Whether you need someone for a specific project or ongoing support, we are here to help you navigate the complexities of innovation.


We believe in building long-lasting relationships with our clients starting with upstream exploratory briefs followed by collaborative engagements. On retainer, we can provide comprehensive and extended innovation, research and strategy support developing longitudinal projects for you with cyclical outputs. 

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